"Flasha Bunnybou"
Head is Bleached Elk Hair
Head is White Deer Body Strip
Head is Natural Deer Body Hair
Materials Used: 1.5 inch HMH low profile tube Gudebrod GX2 Thread White Zonker Strip Ginger Marabou Feather Light Brown Marabou Feather Orange Rump Hackle Olive/Chartruese Rump Hackle Angle Hair Flash Natural Deer Body Hair
Any substitute of colors can be used to match your personal preferences.
Step by Step: This pattern has terrific movement in the water. It has been an excellant Steelhead Fly on the Great Lake Tributaries. Awesome Bass Pattern also.
Step 1: Use a 1.5" HMH Tube. Wrap thread base.
Step 2: Tie in a white bunny strip near the back of Tube.
Step 3: Fold white bunny strip back and wrap over the end of the fold preparing it to be wraped around the tube.
Step 4: Wrap white bunny strip just past the half way mark of the tube and tie it in.
Step 5: Tie in Ginger Marabou Feather
Step 6: Make 3-4 wraps of Ginger Marabou Feather and tie in.
Step 7: Tie in a Light Brown Marabou Feather make 3-4 wraps and tie in. Similar to Step 4 and Step 5.
Step 8: Tie in Orange Rump Hackle Feather.
Step 9: Fold Barbs and make 3-4 wraps in front of the Marabou.
Step 10: Tie in a Olive/Chartruese Rump Hackle Feather make 3-4 wraps and tie in. Similar to Step 8 and Step 9.
Step 10: Tie in a small amount of Angle Hair to add Flash in the water.
Step 11: Tie in a pinky thickness size patch of deer body hair. Make sure the tips are even and place the tips facing the back of the tube fly. This will provide a collar on the tube fly.
Step 12: Add additional deer body hair evenly around the tube to form the head. At the front of the tube make your final addition of deer hair and tie off the thread. Now all you need to do is form the head. A sharp pair of All Purpose Dr Slick Scissors or Razor Blade will aid in forming the head.
Finished Flasha Bunnybou Tube Fly
Head is Natural Deer Body HairLabels: Step by Step Tube Fly, Tube Fly |